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Showing posts with label Blast Eyeliner Pencil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blast Eyeliner Pencil. Show all posts

Sunday, August 3, 2014

CoverGirl Liquiline Blast Eyeliner Pencil in Brown Blaze

Giorgio Armani Fluid Sheer


You've been seriously underestimating your brown eyeliner pencil. Lining your lashes is just the start (especially if your pencil is on the creamier side, like CoverGirl LiquilineBlast Eyeliner Pencil in Brown Blaze): Scribble it all over your lids, or in the creases of your eyes, and smudge the pigment with your finger to mimic brown shadow. Lightly color in your brows or blend it along your cheekbones for a little bit of contour. And if you've ever wondered what you'd look like with freckles, makeup artists often use brown pencil backstage to create the illusion of a speckled complexion.
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